Audio CD; 38 tracks / 24’
Published: 2016

1. Franz Kafka, Das Schloß
2. Clemens Brentano, Briefe
3. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Sämtliche Gedichte
4. Christian Morgenstern, Palmström
5. Walter Benjamin, Berliner Kindheit
6. Erich Kästner, Herz auf Taille
7. André Gide, Corydon
8. E. E. Cummings, Selected Poems
9. Eduard Mörike, Sämtliche Werke
10. Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Gedichte
11. Ovid, Erotische Dichtungen
12. Paul Claudel, Gedichte
13. Hans Christian Andersen, Gesammelte Märchen
14. James Joyce, Ulysses
15. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Bekenntnisse
16. Heinrich Böll, Erzählungen
17. Thomas Mann, Der Zauberberg
18. Samuel Beckett, Texte um Nichts
19. William Shakespeare, Macbeth
20. Jorge Luis Borges, Lotterie in Babylon
21. Stendhal, Das Leben des Henry Brulard
22. John Cage, Für die Vögel

23. Oskar Pastior, Lesungen mit Tinnitus
24. Raymond Queneau, Zazie in der Metro
25. Jean de La Fontaine, Hundert Fabeln
26. Gertrud von le Fort, Die Letzte am Schafott
27. Die Bibel
28. Joseph von Eichendorff, Werke
29. Marguerite Duras, Der Liebhaber
30. Hélène Cixous, Weiblichkeit in der Schrift
31. Gertrude Stein, Autobiographie von Alice B. Toklas
32. Roland Barthes, Die Körnung der Stimme
33. Marcel Proust, Eine Liebe Swanns
34. Leo Tolstoi, Meistererzählungen
35. Georg Sand, Geschichte meines Lebens
36. Theodor Fontane, Effi Briest
37. Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince
38. Bertolt Brecht, Versuche 1–12

( soundcloud – listen )

ANNETTE LE FORT is an artist and typographer, researching in the field of language, with a focus on the relation between speech and writing, the act of writing, script as a trace of memory, palimpsest and synaesthesia. She explores this mainly through video work, sound projects, photograms and different forms of performative diaries. Handwriting I – IV / Mothers Diaries (2015), Handwritings V / Sevilla Diaries (2015) and Handwritings VI – XIII / Memory Maps (2019) were published by Revolver Publishing Berlin. She is also the editor of a series of magazines revolving around the "materiality" of language, which are based on her project at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht. Parole #1: The Body of the Voice / Stimmkörper, Parole #2: Phonetic Skin / Phonetische Haut and Parole #3: The Hand Writing / Handschrift were published by Salon Verlag, 2009, 2012 and 2017. Since 2009 she is Professor for Book Design at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel, Germany.

Phonetic Skin. A Library of Voices
Annette le Fort 

A kind of experimental set-up: a table and two hands which, one after the other, hold various books, open them and then, during an imaginary process of reading, rub two pages together. This gives rise to sounds with a phonetic quality; the paper speaks. And just as the human voice carries within it traces of the body that produces it and these also “speak”, as it were, so too the different book-bodies here develop voices which are influenced by their respective materiality, paper, binding, etc. The sound of 38 books taken from the video Phonetic Skin (2009), are presented on this cd as an acoustical archive. The work deals with the process of reading and in doing so poetically interlinks the materiality and corporeality of voice and writing.


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