Epistemic Imaginaries – Learning as Festivity Edited by Brandon LaBelle and Katía TruijenISBN: 978-3-9825585-7-8
Party Studies, vol. 2 Edited by Víctor Aguado, Ramón del Buey, Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-3-9825585-2-3
Errant Sounds compilationvinyl record
rosé, vol. 1 - friendship Edited by Benjamin Egger & Sarah BergerISBN: 978-3-9825585-3-0
Auditory Poverty and its Discontents Nina DragičevićISBN: 978-3-9825585-4-7
Key Notes on the Unruly City Adam KraftISBN 978-3-9823166-9-7
Singing Machine Zorka WollnyVinyl record
de—COMPOSED Stefan RoigkISBN 978-3-9823166-8-0
Questionology Cordula Daus & Charlotta RuthISBN 978-3-9825585-0-9
b for the birds Graeme Thomson & Silvia MaglioniISBN 978-3-9825585-1-6
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars Charlotte GrahamISBN 978-3-9823166-2-8
Joy Forum Edited by Sveinung UnnelandISBN 978-3-9823166-6-6
Listen – Jeph Jerman in conversation with Aram Yardumian Jeph Jerman / Aram YardumianISBN 978-3-9823166-3-5
The Listening Biennial Reader, vol. 1 Edited by Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-3-9823166-7-3
The Listening Academy Miguel Buenrostro, Giordano Cruciani, Daniela Gentile, Mathias Klenner, Brandon LaBelle, Maria Frederika Malmström, Elif Gülin Soğuksu, Shlomit Strutti, Sandra Volny, Matteo ZoccoloAudio CD
Bio Sonic Agencies Laura Benítez Valero, Brandon LaBelle, Vanessa Lorenzo, Óscar Martín, Robertina ŠebjaničAudio CD
Radical Sympathy Edited by Brandon LaBelleISBN 978-3-9823166-5-9
Wandering Echoes Luis GuerraISBN: 978-3-9823166-1-1
The Future Is Inherited Rodrigo Karmy BoltonISBN: 978-3-9823166-4-2
Dead People Whispering to Us Israel MartinezISBN: 978-3-9823166-0-4
Quantum Society Sara GebranISBN: 978-953-7372-87-3
Party Studies, vol. 1 Edited by Victor Aguado, Ramón del Buey, Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9978744-9-5
Antilogy Alex HamburgerISBN: 978-0-9978744-8-8
Synästhetische Bilder Annette le Fort / Eilith le FortDVD
The Imaginary Republic Edited by Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9978744-5-7
Dirty Ear Report #3 Maria Andueza, Rui Costa,Deborah Kapchan, Brandon LaBelle,Ana Pais, Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec,Alexandre St-Onge, James WebbISBN: 978-0-9978744-4-0
The Human Strike Marc-Antoine Cloutier, Stéphanie Letarte,Fanny Levy, Emmanuel Delly, Brandon LaBelle Audio CD
Matters / of Listening Collective sound improvisationAudio CD
The Other Citizen Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9978744-7-1
The Nomadic Listener Budhaditya ChattopadhyayISBN: 978-0-9978744-6-4
Tuning Butterflies Antje Vowinckel Audio CD
Slow Down Fast, A Toda Raja Camila Marambio & Cecilia VicuñaISBN: 978-0-9978744-3-3
Grounds for Possible Music Julia Eckhardt ISBN: 978-0-9978744-2-6
PAROLE #3: The Hand Writing / Handschrift Edited by Annette le FortISBN: 978-3-89770-529-6
Resounding Roar Israel MartinezISBN: 978-0-9978744-1-9
Outlines Tao G. Vrhovec SambolecAudio CD
The Force of Listening Lucia Farinati & Claudia Firth ISBN: 978-0-9978744-0-2
KLANGUMWELT Ernst-Reuter-Platz A project of the AuditoryArchitecture Research UnitEdited by Alex Arteaga, Gunnar Green,Boris HassensteinISBN: 978-0-9889375-7-4
Ricardo Basbaum: Diagrams, 1994 – ongoing Editors: Ricardo Basbaum,Will Holder and Emily PethickISBN: 978-0-9889375-8-1
Architecture without walls Edited by Alex Arteaga and Boris Hassenstein ISBN: 978-0-9889375-9-8
Dirty Ear Report #1 Zeynep Bulut, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay,Ole Frahm, Anja Kanngieser,Brandon LaBelle, Anna Raimondo,Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, Åsa StjernaISBN: 978-0-9889375-5-0
Dirty Ear Report #2 Ricarda Denzer, Claudia Firth / Lucia Farinati, Brandon LaBelle, Ana Pais, Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec,Alexandre St-Onge, James WebbISBN: 978-0-9889375-6-7
VUEIEN Alexandre St-Onge Audio CD
Phonetic Skin. A Library of Voices Annette le FortAudio CD
Room Tone Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9827439-5-9
In Place Jason Kahn ISBN: 978-0-9889375-4-3
Magic Block Edited by Soledad García Saavedra /Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9889375-3-6
Techno Casa Riccardo BenassiISBN: 978-0-9889375-2-9
The School of Public Life Fred Dewey ISBN: 978-0-9889375-1-2
By Reason or By Force Valentina MonteroISBN: 978-0-9889375-0-5
A Voice That Once Was In One's Mouth Heimo LattnerISBN: 978-0-9827439-9-7
Bodybuilding Serge Baghdassarians / Boris BaltschunAudio CD
Unsitely Aesthetics Maria MirandaSurface Tension Supplement No. 6ISBN: 978-0-9827439-8-0
Almost Nothing with Luc Ferrari Jacqueline CauxISBN: 978-0-9827439-1-1
Skizo-Mails Franco Berardi BifoISBN: 978-0-9827439-6-6
Diary of an Imaginary Egyptian Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9827439-7-3
Beyond Utopia Sophie Warren / Jonathan MosleyISBN: 978-0-9827439-3-5
Sonic Somatic: Performancesof the Unsound Body Christof MigoneISBN: 978-0-9827439-4-2
PAROLE #2: PHONETIC SKIN /PHONETISCHE HAUT Edited by Annette StahmerISBN: 978-3-89770-375-9
Site of Sound: Of Architecture and the Ear / 2 Edited by Brandon LaBelle & Steve RodenISBN: 0-9655570-2-2
Lecture on Nothing Brandon LaBelle Audio CD
The Sonic Body Brandon LaBelleAudio CD
Manual for the construction of a soundas a device to elaborate social connection Edited by Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9772594-8-9
Leif Elggren / Death Travels Backwards DVD in digi-pak
What remains of a building divided intoequal parts and distributed for reconfiguration Edited by Ken Ehrlich & Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0977259434
Manual for the construction of a cart asa device to elaborate social connection Edited by Octavio Camargo & Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9772594-7-2
Dirty Ear Brandon LaBelle Audio CD
Radio Memory Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9772594-6-5
Varieties of Audio Mimesis Allen S. WeissISBN: 978-0-9772594-4-1
African Feedback Alessandro BosettiISBN: 978-0-9772594-5-8
Yasunao Tone – Noise Media Language Critical Ear series, vol. 4ISBN: 978-0-9655570-8-5
Radio Territories Edited by Erik Granly Jensen and Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9772594-1-0
Two Films Carl Michael von Hausswolff / Thomas NordanstadDVD in clear case
Surface Tension Supplement No. 1 Edited by Ken Ehrlich & Brandon LaBelleISBN: 978-0-9772594-0-3
John Duncan Critical Ear series, Vol. 3 ISBN: 978-0-9772594-2-7
One Reason To Live: Conversationsabout Music with Julius Nil Edited by Seth Kim-CohenISBN: 978-0-9655570-9-2
Translation as Rhythm Jarrod FowlerAudio CD
Ivan Palacky & VJ Vera Lukasovaaka Carpets Curtains DVD
Surface Tension: Problematics of Site Edited by Ken Ehrlich & Brandon LaBelleCD selection by Stephen VitielloISBN: 0-9655570-4-9
Christof Migone – Sound Voice Perform Critical Ear series, Vol. 2ISBN: 0-9655570-7-3
Social Music With Giuseppe Ielasi, Michel Henritzi, Brandon LaBelle, Minoru Sato (m/s) & Achim Wollscheid ISBN: 0-9655570-5-7
Site Specific Sound Brandon LaBelleCritical Ear series, Vol.1ISBN: 0-9655570-6-5
Writing Aloud: The Sonics of Language Edited by Brandon LaBelle & Christof MigoneISBN: 0-9655570-0-3
Site of Sound: Of Architecture and the Ear Edited by Brandon LaBelle & Steve RodenISBN 0-9655570-2-2