Errant Bodies studio
Cotheniusstrasse 6
10407 Berlin

Thursday, May 19, 2022 / 19:30

Jordan Lacey’s new book Urban Roar: a psychophysical approach to the design of affective environments brings together environmental philosophy, psychoanalysis, ambience theory and field recording practices, to present an ambitious vision for the future human habitat. In this launch, Lacey will foreground the influence of indigenous scholarship on his thinking. He argues for the importance of artistic practices that engage with the ‘spirt(s) of the land’ as means to connect society with those more-than-human forces existing beneath the threshold of human sensibility. He considers such practices to be critical endeavours in the age of the Anthropocene, which saturates the planet with images of the self. The presentation includes sounds and images from recent gallery-based and publicly situated artworks. 

Jordan Lacey is a senior research fellow and practicing sound artist based in the School of Design at RMIT University. His research focusses on the role sound installations play in the design of public spaces in urban environments. He is author of Sonic Rupture: a practice-led approach to urban soundscape design (Bloomsbury 2016) and Urban Roar: a psychophysical approach to the design of affective environments (Bloomsbury 2022). His website, documents multiple artworks and publications.